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Prayers & Affirmations For Women Leaders

A Lioness is a bold, courageous, and fierce leader. She is full of strength and honor, and this project's women are leaders who are ready to release a ROAR!! This book of prayers, affirmations, and stories from women leaders to women leaders allows the voices and stories of women to construct an authentic narrative that has not been shared.

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                                                               is a native of Louisville Kentucky, a servant leader, minister, and teacher in the Kingdom of God. She has served as an associate minister, teacher, a leader in the Healing and Miracles ministry, and in many other capacities of leadership within the church.

Gwendolyn is a keynote speaker at many Women’s Conferences and churches throughout the country. She shares her testimony on national/international radio broadcast and podcast, telling anyone who will listen about how God’s love, saving grace, and mercy changed her life. God has given Gwendolyn a teaching gift, and wisdom, and she utilizes this through her platform as a radio personality. She is host of “The Word UNCENSORED” radio show where she takes her listeners on a journey through the holy text as God reveals His word to in powerful yet easy to understand ways. She equips her listeners while helping them to deepen their relationship with God, go deeper in their study of the scriptures and grow deeper in the knowledge of God’s Word.

Gwendolyn is a great woman of resource, a trailblazing entrepreneur in the insurance industry, and founder of Gwendolyn's Legacy LLC. God has given her a compassionate heart and a special grace to pour into women who are prostitutes, have been physically and sexually abused, sex addicts and alcoholics, women who’s had abortions, former and current strippers who want a lifestyle change. She is a mentor to many women and young adults throughout the country, and she empowers them to navigate their stories and to navigate life. She has the ability to help move people from one phase of their life to the next and to help align them into the will of God. She is one whose life exudes Christ, and her heart is to help people, especially the mishandled, lost, and broken because such was, she.

 Her motto is “If God changed me, He can change anybody!”

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I was at one of the lowest places of my life and in desperate need of help and no one knew it. I was sick from alcohol abuse, but I couldn’t stop drinking. I was wore-out from the night life but couldn’t stop partying, and I needed money so I couldn’t stop stripping. Bound, bruised, and slowly dying, my life was on a downward spiral that seemed to be out of my control.

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PUSH!!! How I Beat The Odds | Gwendolyn McCormick

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To book Gwendolyn for your next event scan the QR Code to access the Official Booking Form

PUSH!!! How I Beat The Odds | Gwendolyn McCormick


Place your order today for only $20!
Plus $4 for Shipping & Handling

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